In one of the most affluent nations in the world, how can we explain the persistence of the ignorance, avarice, and hatred of life epitomized by the Bush Administration and its supporters? How can humans continue in behavior which overwhelming evidence shows is maddening, brutalizing, and ultimately self-destructive? Are human beings naturally greedy and stupid, or are they conditioned that way?
The pioneering research of Wilhelm Reich suggests that the answers to these questions lie in the unnatural, life-negating ethos of our mechanized civilization, where knowledge has become game-show trivia, love a consumer commodity, and work an unconscious automatism.
....Although sexual orgasm is the most dramatic discharge of biological energy, music, dance, poetry, healthy athletics, and pleasurable work have similar life-affirmative effects on the human organism. In all of these, we surrender to the rhythms of the body’s inspiration and respiration, the pulse of the heartbeat and blood, and shed the fearful egocentric grasping characteristic of capitalist culture, finding connection to our fellow humans and the cosmos. To the right is a diagram depicting the arc of the sexual act in orgastically potent men and women.
However, in many individuals—indeed, too many – the heavy character-armoring encouraged by repressive, parasitic social relations serves to inhibit the natural flow of Orgone bio-energy, and often the only way these people can experience pleasure is through militarism, sado-masochism, greed, and cruelty. Typically, these individuals have stiff, spastic facial expressions and are unable to move their pelvises except in a constrained, robotic manner. The BOP Collective has obtained revealing data on the frustrated orgasm arcs of a number of such people in the Bush Administration, shown below:
Not only does the bound energy of the incrusted emotions produce fascist anal hysteria, but also carcinogenic molecular free radicals, also shown. The heavily armored individual is not only a menace to society, but to himself. Because of this bioenergetic distortion, a palpable aura of rage and hatred emanates from these pathological people – this can be identified as Deadly Orgone Energy (DOR). In large groups, such as the Republican National Convention, the great quantity of DOR produced can have a crippling, evil effect for miles around.
Brooklyn Orgastic Politics Collective (BOP-C), a group with big plans:
On Thursday, September 2nd, for several hours prior to and during George Bush’s re-nomination ceremony, the Brooklyn Orgastic Politics Collective (BOP-C) will be conducting Orgone operations with several of our Cloudbusters, attempting to suck the fascism from the Republican National Convention at Madison Square Garden. From an undisclosed location on the Brooklyn waterfront, we will be redirecting the flow of Life Energy above the deadly concentrations of hatred and greed accumulating in midtown Manhattan. If indeed our theories prove correct, it may be possible to reduce the entire convention floor to a quivering Saturnalia. The moans of Love shall ring out across the Land!